Friday, July 3, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sunday, August 10, 2008

I had a tremendous concert week. Monday was Radiohead, live at the Blossom Music Center near Akron. Truly amazing. This show was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before musically or visually. Very Impressive, eerie, sensory overload!
Here's a review from the Plain Dealer:
Friday and Saturday was the New American Music Festival on the Southside in Pittsburgh. Very well put together by Anthony Kiedis. He did appear but did not perform. Friday was the Black Keys and The Roots. Saturday was Gnarls Barkley, The Raconteurs, and Bob Dylan.
I was most excited to see Gnarls Barkley who did not dissapoint. Cee-Lo's voice was booming and soulful. Great beats and sounds. They blew me away by playing 'Reckoner' a cover from Radioheads 'In Rainbows'. It really brought the week to an end full circle for me. That song is awesome and powerful. A great choice to cover. They have a recent concert from London on MSN which has much of the same set list....check it ot:
Bob Dylan closed out the festival. He didn't sound great vocally but I'd seen him before and kind of knew to expect that. The harmonica was there though.
That's all really. An Awesome week of live music.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
In the Sportsvan
Washington DC
Friday, May 2, 2008
Visited Battery Park and Wall Street for the first time.
Stopped at Ground Zero. Respect.
Watched some football at Nevada Smith's. Went to Bleeker Street Rrecords.
Visited the Dakota. Respect. Nice experience except for the dickhead security guard.
Braved Yankee Stadium again. Bloody miserable New Yorkers. Time to go.
I am eagerly awaiting the summertime. Alas, it always seesm to go by so quickly.
I will certainly be enjoying May and June!
No huge summer plans. My dad and step mum will be visiting.
Looking forward to that. And working in the yard.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I mean, he has been able to convince congress (and 300 million people) that going to war was a good idea. A just war? vs. Iraq? Over 9/11, despite no Iraqi involvement, Why?
Let's get us some terrorists already. Anyone seen Bin Laden?
Good thing that Pakistan is our ally....
But I digress.....The Red Sox visited the White House today and this one is a gem.......From the man himself
Bush noted the pitching of Japanese player Daisuke Matsuzaka, known as Dice-K. His presence drew a huge number of Japanese reporters.
"His press corps is bigger than mine," Bush said. "And we both have trouble answering questions in English."
Brilliant. Genius. Leader of the free world. Commander in Chief.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Everton FC
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Let It Begin....My First Rant
In Memory and honor of Sgt. Ray Buchan, his family and friends. RESPECT.
All gave some, SOME GAVE ALL
Media Ownership
Let's start with this great resource from the Columbia Journalism Review.......
Who Owns What?
Sweet little Disney....
I have been inspired to blog by DJ, Jennie and Alex and I am always willing to explore new ways to communicate.
Consider this Blog I, Volume I.